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Welcome to Mission Park Elementary!

Thank you for stopping by our website for the 2023-24 academic school year!  We are excited to share with you all the new and improved things that are going on at Mission Park and within the Salinas City Elementary School District. This year we have TK-6th grade classes, and we are offering a free, limited enrollment afterschool program until 5:30 p.m. 

Our Mission

Our goal is to encourage and inspire students to become respectful, responsible, life-long learners.


About Mission Park

Mission Park school currently averages 600 students in grades TK through 6. Our population is diverse with 70% Hispanic students, 53% low socioeconomic status, and 11 % English Learners. Our staff is highly skilled and dedicated to teaching our children. We know that to achieve educational excellence, we need parent support and participation in each student’s educational program. Students, parents, and school staff must work together if we are to meet the needs of every child. Through interest and involvement, the school community models the importance of school, learning, and establishing high academic and behavioral standards. It is clear that our students reflect the strong values of our families.  They are respectful of their teachers and, in general, exhibit 21st Century skills such as communication and collaboration in their classes and social interactions.