Welcome Back Mustangs!
I am so proud to be your Principal this year. I have had the pleasure of working at Mission Park for the past four years as your Vice Principal. I look forward to building on what we have in place and finding new and exciting ways to enhance our learning opportunities and school community.
The 2024-2025 school year will be one for the record books as we embrace our sports theme: Champions in Training! Our incredible school team has big plans for a great year. Let’s cheer each other on! Beat our personal best! Show Mustang pride and sportsmanship in all we do!
Go Mustangs!
Anna Padilla
Ruby Baloca
Vice Principal
I am so excited to be part of the Mission Park Mustang team!
This is my 24th year in education and 20th year with Salinas City Elementary School District. I believe that we will have a fun and successful year, full of accomplishments.I look forward to meeting all of our wonderful students and families.